Test of Early Language Development-4 (TELD-4)

Main product art for Test of Early Language Development-4 (TELD-4).
Purchase Options
Test Kit: Manual, 25 Record Forms A, 25 Record Forms B, and Manipulatives
Components (Sold Separately)
25 Record Forms A
25 Record Forms B

Author(s): Wayne P. Hresko, D. Kim Reid, Donald D. Hammill

  • Early Language
  • 3-0 through 7-11
  • Individual Administration
  • Norm Referenced
  • Qualification Level B

  • Description
    The TELD-4 is a highly reliable and valid measure of spoken language in children ages 3 years 0 months through 7 years 11 months. It uses brief, simple tasks to obtain a broad picture of language development, specifically semantics, syntax, and morphology. It is used to identify language delays (compared to age-related peers), to determine language strengths and weaknesses, and to track a child’s progress. Like the previous edition, the test yields Receptive Language and Expressive Language subtest index scores, as well as a Spoken Language index score. The TELD-4 was normed on a nationally representative sample of 1,074 children.

    Pictures are in color to make them appealing to children. The test is untimed, and the test kit contains all manipulatives needed.
    See Also...

    This new assessment of expressive language is a companion test to the TACL4, which tests receptive language.

    The TILLS assessment tests oral and written language skills in students ages 6 through 18 years.

    The BDAE-3 helps you identify and distinguish among disorders of language function and neurologically recognized aphasic syndromes.

    The OWLS-II provides a complete and integrated picture of oral and written language skills across a wide age range.

    The TOLD-P:5 assesses spoken language in young children.

    Arizona-4 provides a comprehensive assessment of articulation in children from 18 months to 21 years.