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OT Product List

Assessments for Occupational Therapy
Product cover art for Linking Sensory Integration and Mental Health
New! A revised and updated version of Sensory Integration and Self-Regulation in Infants and Toddlers
Product cover art for Structured Observations of Sensory Integration-Motor (SOSI-M)
The SOSI-M is a new nationally standardized assessment of sensory-based motor skills, based in Ayres Clinical Observations, and developed by well-regarded experts in sensory integration.
Product cover art for Motor-Free Visual Perception Test-4 (MVPT-4)
The MVPT-4 is the only non-motor visual perceptual assessment that can be used throughout the lifespan.
Product cover art for Visual Skills Appraisal-2 (VSA-2)
The VSA provides an easy way to screen for common visual skill difficulties that can impact academic performance and participation, including reading and writing tasks by way of five items that assess binocular, ocular-motility, and visual-motor skills.
Product cover art for Test of Information Processing Skills (TIPS)
TIPS assesses how information (either visual or auditory) is processed and retained (in sequence or not) in persons 5 - 90+ years. Delayed recall, semantic fluency, and the effects of interference on recall and learning are also quantified.
Product cover art for Quick Neurological Screening Test-3R (QNST-3R)
The QNST-3R is an individually administered, empirically based assessment of the development of motor coordination and sensory integration.
Product cover art for Test of Visual Perceptual Skills - 4th Edition (TVPS-4)
The TVPS-4 is the latest update of the standard comprehensive assessment of visual analysis and processing skills.
Product cover art for Test of Handwriting Skills-Revised (THS-R)
The THS-R provides standardized assessment of children's handwriting ability for both manuscript and cursive styles that can be used with any of the popular handwriting programs.
Product cover art for Test of Visual-Motor Skills-3 (TVMS-3)
This revision of the TVMS assesses how well a person can coordinate visually guided fine-motor movements to copy a design while it is in sight.
Product cover art for Kindergarten Essential Skills Assessment (KESA)
The Kindergarten Essential Skills Assessment (KESA) is designed to measure the critical skills that predict end-of-year kindergarten success. KESA supports the early identification and intervention for children who are at-risk for kindergarten retention and Special Education referral.
Product cover art for Jordan Left Right Reversal Test-3 (Jordan-3)
The Jordan Left-Right Reversal Test-3rd Edition helps clinicians identify students who have difficulty with reversals, and what types of reversals are problematic.
Product cover art for Light's Retention Scale-5th Edition (LRS-5)
The LRS-5 is a research-based tool that lets principals and administrators make informed decisions about the sensitive issue of retention. Backed by comprehensive research of the literature regarding grade school retention, it is a useful aid for to help insure that the educational opportunities available during the school year are appropriate and administered with fidelity.